Protecting Democracy


I am totally opposed to gerrymandering. It is my belief that the people should be able to decide who their representatives should be, and not the other way around. Unfortunately, despite strong bipartisan support for a fair system of redistricting, legislators have once again abused their power to manipulate how we vote. When Utah’s voter initiative against gerrymandering was gaining traction, a shocking amount of politicians told us, explicitly or implicitly, “we don’t want voters to tell us what laws to pass.” Current state leaders are willing to sacrifice democracy and for power. We need representatives, not kings.

If elected to the senate, I will introduce an unbiased, non-partisan redistricting committee with OPEN DOOR meetings so that the public can see for themselves how the redistricting process will take place. I believe that every Utahn deserves to see how and why districts change. As senator, I will also protest the most recent redistricting as unfair and undemocratic. I want Utah leaders to know that their sins will not go unnoticed.

Voting & Elections

Some have begun to doubt the legitimacy of our elections, and use this as an excuse to put restrictions on our voting process and who can vote. Utah has always been a model of efficient and responsible voting, and I promise to do everything in my power to keep it that way. Democracy works best when everyone’s voice is heard, and I will fight against every attempt by bad actors to restrict Utah’s voting system.

  • Mail-In Ballots

    • Mail-in ballots are one of the hallmarks of Utah’s voting system. They cut election costs by allowing for fewer polling locations and staff, and they are often the only way that older Utahns and Utahns with physical limitations can cast their vote. Unfortunately, some Utah legislators want to restrict mail-in ballots. This will cost the state more money and eliminate the voice of those with physical limitations. The physically challenged have just as much a right to vote as the physically abled, and we cannot silence their vote or their voice. I will do everything in my power to protect our mail-in ballots

  • Early Voting & Same Day Registration

    • Early voting and same day registration are extremely helpful for those of middle and lower income brackets who often have difficulty in finding time off from work to wait in line at the polls or register to vote. By eliminating these options, we make it more difficult for the core of Utah’s economy to vote. Not getting to a poll within certain hours should not disqualify someone from their constitutional right to vote. No one should have to struggle or sacrifice to vote. Voting should not be easier for some than it is for others. Everyone’s voice needs to be heard.


As your representative, I will want to hear from YOU. Unlike some of Utah’s political leaders, I do not think that my opinions are worth more than your’s. Some decisions will be difficult, and with no clear right answer, but I am committed to hearing from every voter in my district. This includes those who are marginalized and underrepresented. It also includes those who may not belong to a specific political party or group. As your senator, I promise to hold WEEKLY meetings with you, my district. This will take the form of weekly walks around the district that will be open to everyone and provide a casual forum where we can discuss topics that are important to you. For those who may have difficulty joining our walks, I also promise to hold weekly “town hall” district meetings you will be able to join in person or virtually. I am committed to representing my district, not my own opinions.